Console shortcuts

Keystroke Function
Ctrl-A Jumps to the first character of the line (A = first then B)
left arrow key
Moves the cursor Back one character
Ctrl-C Escapes and terminates prompts and tasks
Ctrl-D Deletes the character at the cursor
Ctrl-E Jumps to the End of the line
right arrow key
Moves the cursor Forward one character
Ctrl-K Deletes from the cursor to the end of the line
Ctrl-L / Ctrl-R Repeats current command line on a new line
down arrow key
Enters Next command line in the history buffer
up arrow key
Enters Previous command line in the history buffer
Ctrl-U / Ctrl-X Deletes from the cursor to the beginning of the line
Ctrl-W Deletes last Word typed
Esc B Moves the cursor Back one word
Esc D Deletes from the cursor to the end of the word
Esc F Moves the cursor Forward one word
Del / Backspace Erases mistake when entering a command; re-enter command after using this key

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