
The following dates were off the top of my head, but I managed to stick to them. It seems like a long time to study but studying for the written in 16 weeks gives me 2 weeks per subject. Which is not a lot when you realise the amount of reading, studying & trial-error practice involved.

Generally one should realise that attaining CCIE R&S status will take a year of one’s personal life away. Never mind the years of working in the field and on the job training involved before one actually concludes that one’s ready to take up the gauntlet.

Study for written
1 Jan – 8 May 2006

CCIE written exam
9 May 2006
– Retake a week later (was the 16th)
– 2nd retake scheduled for the 31st of May (passed)

Lab prep #1 (didn’t happen)
10 May – 9 June 2006
12 – 30 June 2006

Lab prep #2 (last week full time)
2 – 30 July 2006

CCIE Lab exam
2 Aug 2006 (failed)
– Retake Lab exam, 1st week September 2006 (didn’t happen, was too busy preparing for the arrival of my 2nd son)
– Started preparing again on the 9th of Feb 2007, hoping to take the lab again in March or April 2007.

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