Totally different from last year, I ran out of time. I’d knew it might happen as I just didn’t have the speed in my fingers and mind as I did for the first attempt and I wanted to be more thorough. I’d like to think I was more thorough but I also blanked out twice which lost me probably about half an hour in total. Stupid ‘bgp update-source’ addresses… 😉
Oh well, in all I think I lost 14 points to unanswered questions or uncertain answers. This leaves about 6 points leeway, not a lot but just maybe enough. Also nice is that this time I don’t have the mail before I get home so I’m taking that as a good sign: at least this time I wasn’t completely hopeless.
Will post as soon as I know, checking my mail regularly and the certification page. that page is weird by the way, it lists my attempt with links for a ‘Submit Critique’ & ‘Request for Reread’ but no real result is stated. I’ll be twiddling my thumbs a little longer I guess.
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